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Great Patient Experience Means 2x More Patients

Steele Creek Pediatric 1597307508937
Client Logo 1598506939872

Company Snapshot

Steele Creek Pediatric is a 3 location pediatric dentist. They have 5 dentists who are all pediatric dental specialists who LOVE to care for children and individuals with special needs. They are committed to providing children the best oral care in a fun, pleasant, experienced, and caring environment.

  • 3
  • Jan 2017


Steele Creek Pediatric’s mission is to deliver great experiences that exceed patient expectations. While the practice has always succeeded at this goal, it was not reflected on sites like Google and Facebook just a few years ago. In 2017, with three locations and just under 177 reviews in total, Dr. Goodman, a dentist at Steele Creek Pediatric Dentistry, knew there was a disconnect between what his patients were saying to him and what was being said online. As a result, he was getting overlooked by potential patients.

Steele Creek Pediatric needed a way to display social proof, build credibility with prospective patients, and ensure great patient experience. Dr. Goodman began looking for a patient experience software that could help him achieve all this.

Before coming to Birdeye, Steele Creek Pediatric tried a handful of other platforms to promote its patient experience and even had their front desk asking for referrals. The process was time-consuming and staff had other things to worry about. As a result, this process led to very few reviews.

By using the patient management software DoxPedo, the Steele Creek Pediatric has been paperless for years. When Dr.Goodman learned that Birdeye automatically integrated with DoxPedo, he realized that it was going to be an easy way to collect patient reviews, build credibility, and spread the word about positive patient experiences.

"We knew we had happy patients but the word wasn’t getting out. Birdeye was the best investment we made for promoting our practice."
Dr. Scott Goodman, Pediatric Dentist at Steele Creek Pediatric
Dr. Scott GoodmanPediatric Dentist at Steele Creek Pediatric

More Social Proof Means 2x More Patients

Birdeye made Steele Creek Pediatric’s positive patient experiences more visible to potential patients. With the DoxPedo integration, patients would automatically receive a review request after an appointment, with a link to an external site like Google and Facebook.

Today, all three practices have over 700 total reviews. Prospective patients can now immediately see hundreds of quality patient experience testimonials with a quick Google search. The number of new patients coming in has more than doubled since the practice started with Birdeye.  

Tracking Patient Experience

With Birdeye, Dr. Goodman is now able to make sure that patients at all three of his practices receive high-quality patient care. With the help of Birdeye’s natural language processing engine Athena, Dr. Goodman can now see the most frequently mentioned topics in patient reviews. This gives him a good idea of how practices are performing in areas like staff and experience.

Review Snippets 1596804258227

Birdeye allows Dr. Goodman to track each one of his practices’ patient experience. If one of them begins to underperform, he can make changes to operations immediately. 

Performance By Locations 1596804286493

Be the Best Practice with Birdeye

With Birdeye’s integration with DoxPedo, Steele Creek Pediatric’s three practices are thriving. Now, patients all over the area know that Steele Creek Pediatric delivers fantastic experiences across the board. 

Birdeye: The Obvious Choice

Winning over 400 awards for 10 quarters in a row, Birdeye is the most-awarded and highest-rated customer experience software for businesses of all sizes.

Leader Summer 2023
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521 reviews