Survey Reporting and Analysis 

Use insights to improve customer experience

Make data-driven business decisions with feedback built to scale your business.

Survey Reporting and Analysis
Survey Response Reporting

Find out what’s working

Learn who’s reading and replying to your surveys. View stats by date, distribution channel, and location.

Find out what’s working
AI Summaries

Summarize surveys in a single click

BirdAI will instantly generate summaries by survey or survey question so you can sort and analyze responses to find the answers you are looking for, in a single click.

Summarize surveys in a single click
Question Analysis

Digest your data the way you prefer

Our reporting works the way you do. Analyze charts, tables, and other formats to make sense of survey response data.

Digest your data the way you prefer
Results Over Time

Track customer satisfaction

Make sure your customers keep coming back. Find out how their satisfaction has changed over time to stay ahead of any issues.

Track customer satisfaction
Location Based Insights

Make hyper-local improvements

Filter and compare survey data by business location and employee to identify top performers and opportunities for improvement. 

Make hyper-local improvements
Sentiment Analysis

Uncover trends with AI

Analyze sentiment from short answer questions with Athena, Birdeye’s proprietary Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine.

Sentiment Analysis

Do more with Birdeye Surveys

Survey Builder

Measure and improve customer experience with the industry’s easiest survey builder. 

Survey Campaigns

Get more feedback with less effort using automated survey requests and AI-powered analysis. 

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